Inside The Intention Code, you will access the game changing strategies and methods you need to nail your next career move. 


Here's What Our Clients Have To Say...


“This program has helped provide me clarity in understanding what is important to me, what my end game looks like, and provided me with the tools to really think about the steps to take to achieve success..

Catrina R, Senior Manager


"..the circuit breaker needed to propel me into a new space and mindset."
Chrissi R, Senior Relationship Manager

 "The confidence to be intentional about my career and to be on top of my network, and it takes a team, not just me, to progress. I have made friends and gained so much knowledge that will help me in career for the rest of my life.
Sophia P, Director Sales


We help ambitious women achieve extraordinary careers in just 11 weeks

No more procrastination, isolation, or taking work home and missing out on precious moments with loved ones. The Intention Code equips you with the tools to conquer overwhelm and burnout, leaving you energized and focused to conquer your dreams.

Finally a way that works to unlock your potential in your career.
In the last 10+ years, I’ve shown thousands of career-driven women how to easily build the extraordinary career you've been dreaming of without years of hard work and trial and error.
I’ve inspired thousands of women to embark on a transformative journey towards the future you desire, and I can do the same for you too.

Avoid Looking Back at Missed Career Opportunities.

Unlocking your potential and achieving your dream career can be much easier than you think. Many people simply don’t know the correct steps to take which makes them take far longer than they need to. We’ve done all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is follow our step-by-step career blueprint and you’ll take charge of your career in no time.

You won’t just save time either. When you follow our advice closely, you also build an unstoppable level of self-confidence, much more than you would ever be able to achieve so quickly on your own.

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1 in 2 Female Leaders are chronically overwhelmed and burned out.

Sadly, 50% of Women in Leadership will never reach their preferred work-life balance. It’s not their fault, they just haven’t been taught the 5 key levers to focus on. It doesn’t have to be this way for you though.
We can show you exactly how we support successful female leaders like Tegan to build an extraordinary life and career blueprint and how she was able to achieve a promotion AND find more time for things she values outside of work,  using the same strategies. Reserve your free 1-1 strategy session today to see how you can achieve a similar result, and do it much faster than you ever thought was possible.

Save Yourself Years Of Trial & Error By Using Our Blueprint To Build a Sustainable & Intentional life.

Why waste years struggling along, trying to figure things out for yourself? You can save this time and get a much better result when you get our expert advice and use our blueprint to build a personalised career success map.

It’s like a shortcut that gives you renewed energy, career advancement, a strong support network and harmony across all the areas you value.

Are you ready to achieve a sustainable and intentional life in the shortest time possible? To have more energy to enjoy life without the years of hard work it usually takes? Then claim your free strategy session while you still can.


The Intention Code 

Here’s a Taste Of What You Can Expect
When You Join The Intention Code... 

Phase 1

Visionary Foundation - Blueprint Your Extraordinary Life

Unleash Your Potential: Discover your vision, break free from self-doubt, and craft a personalized success map. Embark on a remarkable journey, embracing your unique strengths and achieving your career goals.

Phase 2

Empowering Connections - Achieve Harmony and Amplify Your Network

Achieve Work-Life Balance: Master the Intention Code for lasting harmony. Forge invaluable connections with mentors and sponsors, propelling your career to new heights. Define your confident personal brand and make a lasting impression.

Phase 3

Self-Strategic Growth - Navigate Your Path to Success

Time Mastery: Control your priorities with the Priority Compass. Boost productivity through Delegation Mastery. Thrive with the Growth Navigator, gaining skills for your desired career path.

Here's How our Intention Coders describe their Transformation...


❌ Uncertain
❌ Stuck
❌ Lost
❌ Unclear
❌ Overwhelmed

❌ Confused
❌ Flat



✅ Unstoppable
✅ Fired up
✅ Invigorated
✅ Clear
✅ Optimistic
✅ Brave
✅ Intentional


“The course has greatly assisted in opening up the possibility of change and provided tangible steps and support to do so...led to the very exciting result of a new job... I feel far more confident and comfortable than I previously would have that this is the next stepping stone in my career journey."

Susanna M, Org Development Leader


"...There were so many elements that were great and the program's holistic approach is a clear winner"
Virginie H, Executive Director

 "It's an incredible feeling. I started feeling comfortable being in uncomfortable scenarios. I am Intentional, Brave and Confident!"
Neetu S,  Strategic IT Leader



Ready to Hit Your Next Career Milestone?

Secure Your Spot

Next programs November 20 2024 and March  2025


Maximum Value

AUD $3299

inclusive of GST

  • 9 x 90 minutes live facilitated sessions 
  • Individual 3 x 1 hour CEO led coaching session (valued at $3000)
  • Personal Career playbook 
  • Strategic networking plan
  • Access to exclusive tools  (Intentional Career Wheel)
  • Proven best in class curriculum

Claim Your FREE No-Obligation 30-Minute Strategy Session below (Valued at $500)


During this no-obligation call, I will discuss your specific situation and how we can help you get the energy and clarity to get you closer to the career you want without sacrificing the things that you value in the shortest time possible. 

Here’s what you’ll discover in your FREE strategy session…

  • The 5 techniques to unlock massive energy in less than 4 weeks

  • How to build in the Game-Changing Habits of CEOs without adding more hours to your diary

  • And 3 ways to move past feeling stuck in your career so you can get the clarity you need to take the next step.

  • 3 Simple Tips To elevate your energy and your strategic thinking
    These strategies can help you reclaim your energy faster than you ever thought possible